Thursday 20 March 2014

Rimu Swimming Sports

There I was I heart pumping I had just finished my 25 meter freestyle and ready start the 25 meter breaststroke. I was now standing ready to leap into the cool refreshing pool. “On your marks get set’’ BANG!! Mr Mossop smashed the two wood clappers Suddenly I dived in the pool. I was 1st I was going as fast as I could “little bit longer” I said to myself quietly. I made it I came 1st. Finally my next race came is was the best race ever it was the doggy paddle It was a close race with Zane but he just came though so I came second. That day was awesome.

Monday 3 March 2014


Day 1

Today I had Tech we did print making and we started our folder. By the end of the day you had a score 4B 4P or 4A. To get 4B or basic you have to experience and not necessarily have to have got it right. Or for 4P or proficient you could also get a 4A for advanced for that you have to make a three colour print. 

Day 2

Today we learnt at tech how to carve a some wood and make it into a print. Our topic was on the battle of gate pa because the 150th anniversary is come up. My art work was maori club with maori designs on it. We all got up to 4 yellow prints I had fun today.

Day 3

Today we learnt about Nigel Brown and his art and life he was born in Tauranga about 60 years ago. After that we got on with our wooden print and carved some more out then put red or green ink for our second layer. Little later we started carving for tomorrow so we can put black ink on. Also today we marked I proficient.

Day 4

Today we finished our four wood prints to finish it all I needed to do was to put the last layer of black on the it. The next thing was to get a black or white piece of paper mine was black with white prints on it it was the last art tech for me.

Sunday 2 March 2014


Possums were introduced to New Zealand in 1837 and there are still about 30 million still in New Zealand. They are a pest and people are to kill them because they chew there way though all the shoots fruit berries and leaves and they are omnivores they have a wide range of food such as leaves, bird, eggs, chicks and insects. They are also nocturnal so you don't see them in the day.